How Music Can Help You Get a Better Workout

Music and movement naturally go together. We can’t help but start to nod our head or tap our toes when a catchy rhythm comes on, so it’s no wonder that music amplifies our workouts in such a powerful way. 

A recent study conducted by Karageorghis in the Journal of Sports Exercise Psychology found that motivational music helped exercisers to push through fatigue and that music can increase endurance during a workout up to 15 percent.

Not only does music lift people’s spirits and mood, but it actually has the power to physically push them farther. We know you want your customers to get the most out of their workouts, and our custom music solutions can help you help them.

Keeping Pace With Movement

Music creates a natural rhythm response. This response is the ability we all have as people to synchronize our movements with music and beats. Think of how piano students use a  metronome to master the tempo of their pieces. Naturally, faster beats equal faster movements, and slower beats create more of a relaxed feel.

Moving to a steady beat also helps the body operate more efficiently with energy. When our bodies know what to expect and are able to maintain a rhythm, they naturally expend less energy.

Elevating Mood & Keeping Us Distracted

We know that your goal is for customers to get the best workout possible and hopefully enjoy themselves while doing it. Our music solutions and tailored beats can help them achieve both. 

Studies have shown that music elevates people’s moods, especially when it’s paired with physical activity. Whether they’re dancing, running, or practicing yoga, the music and its rhythm elevate their overall experience.

Furthermore, music also gives them something else to focus on while they’re exerting their bodies. With fast-paced and/or steady beats, people’s minds automatically become drawn to this and pulls them away from the challenges in the movement they’re doing. 

The Beats That Get Us Going

Did you know that “high-groove music” is actually a scientific term? A study completed by Brain and Cognition shows that groove, which is “a musical quality that can induce movement in a listener,” stimulates the area of the brain that is responsible for movement. Music, quite literally, makes us move!

So, what are the best types of music to help your customers achieve this? Science shows that the optimal amount of BPM’s to get people up and moving is between 110 and 150. Knowing this, we offer thousands of music solutions that fall right into this category.

  • Dance Cardio Beats (128 BPM) – Great for workout dance classes and parties, these beats provide a fast-tempo and steady rhythm.
  • Cardio Kickboxing Beats (130 BPM) – The optimal pace for kickboxing and getting the heart rate going.
  • Reggaeton (113 BPM) – Slightly slower-paced beats, but not by much. These beats are great for consistent movement in longer-form workouts.
  • Cardio Cycling (144 BPM) – A fast-paced beat to keep a steady and quick cardio pace.

Our music solutions provide a variety of options to fulfill the needs of your customers and whatever style of movement they’re interested in. Contact us today at to start your free trial and experience feel the rhythm!